The SEHL was created to give players in Saskatchewan an option to play in a league developed to allow them to reach their full potential. The SEHL promotes a consistent high level of individual and team instruction throughout the entire hockey season. The goal is for all players to benefit from the SEHL and have a positive experience by having fun, gaining skills in sport and learning positive characteristics. The SEHL strives to develop players, team staff and officials both on and off the ice. Through our passion and love of hockey, the SEHL strives to develop young players at an elite level to help them reach their highest potential.
- To create a sustainable league for players to advance their skills at an elite level
- To create a league where like-minded players and coaches thrive.
- To practice and compete against equal peers throughout the winter season.
- To develop strong young players both mentally and physically and promote the importance of commitment, teamwork and respect.
Two divisions AAA and AA. The AAA division will be the top players from your local area.
Divisions for the 2020/21 season are as follows :
- U9 U11 U13 U14
The SEHL is a Non-Sanctioned League. Players deciding to play in the SEHL cannot play any Hockey Canada sanctioned hockey between the cut off dates provided by Hockey Canada. The SEHL will not support any individual attempting to play hockey in the SEHL and on any Hockey Canada sanctioned team at the same time.